Steam Pipes and Tanks

  • Overview:

In MAPNA-developed combined-cycle power plants and for MAPNA’s V942 or MGT-70 turbine gases and MAPNA’s E-Type or MST-50C steam turbines, oil is used for the lubrication and the control system is used as a means to move control components.

1_ Lubrication System

The lubrication system comprises of two parts: “lubrication and lifting” and “hydraulic oil”.

The lubrication and lifting system includes main and auxiliary pumps, jacking pump, tank, cooler, filter, purifier, pipes, etc.

In addition to making turbine’s and generator’s bearings lubricated, the lubrication system transfers the produced heat of the bearings to heat exchangers of the auxiliary cooling system.

2_ Control System

The hydraulic oil system is mainly taken into account for controling the valves.

Sepahan MAPNA Engineering & Equipment Manufacturing Company produces various clean and dirty tanks.